Thursday 24 December 2020

Building a dam | Summer learning journey

 Today I completed the dam task of the summer learning journey.

First I went on the summer learning job to find out what a dam is. I watched both to understand what a dam is. 

A dam is a barrier that stops the flow of water.

After getting a better understanding of what a dam is, I started doing my template. After completing my dam on the template I wrote what materials I used and why I used them. My materials were sticks, mud, rocks and leaves. 

In my template you can see why I decided to used these materials. 


  1. Hey Siale

    Cool diagram, it looks really professional! You’ve included lots of mud which I think is the key to a good DIY dam from what I’ve been seeing.

    Do you think you’ll go out and try to build it in real life?

    Meri Kirihimete, Merry Christmas,

  2. Hi Siale

    A great and thoughtful design. You are correct in using the mud. It is definitely like a glue in holding everything together. It would be good to try out your design

    Good to see you involved in the SLJ. Keep up these big efforts.


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