Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Hiwi The Kiwi fishing for the future

LI. To be responsible in the sea and when fishing

What we learnt
Legal fish size- You have to measure the fish because you want to make sure that you caught the right fish and you want the right size.

Life jackets and safety- If you are going fishing on a bout you should always wear a lie jacket because if your bout crashes and you re in the water you can still be able to breath.

Plastic-That you should be up rubbish like plastic so birds and fish.

Sea birds- It's important to have sea birds so they can show were the fish is  but make sure to scare it away so it doesn't steal your fish.

Salt ice- You need salt ice to catch a fish like a snapper and other fish that like salt ice.
Salt ice makes the fish more fresh for you and your family to eat.

Wet towel- you need a wet towel for you hands to not smell like fish and helps the skin of the fish fell off.

What we did 
The minstrel- The minstrel was tell us all the information about why we need to keep our fish safe.
Song that we sang- The minstrel also played song and Mrs minstrel did the dancing so we had to follow on.
Did challenges- We did challenges to see who was listening.
Answered questions- we had to answer question to win awards from the minstrel.

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