Converting measurement is to multiply and divide height, length and width of something.
If you are multiplying the decimal place by 10 you shift it to the right once. For example: If I multiply 90.0 by 10 you shift the decimal point to the right because it will make the number bigger. So 90.0 x 10 = 900.
If you are dividing the decimal place by 900 you shift it to the left twice. For example: If I divide 900 by 100 I move the decimal point twice because it will make the number smaller. So 900 divided by 100 = 9.0.
If shifting a number to the left, you don't add a zero, you shift the zero from the decimal place. Also the amount of zero's mean how many times the decimal point moves to the right or left.
Place is helpful while converting measurements.
LI: To learn how to convert measurement
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