Thursday, 19 September 2019


LI: To learn about water safety

For swimming had the experience to try different skills and skills that we have learn the past 9 weeks.
First we go into doing the streamline kicking. A streamline kick is where you basically put both of your arms together, high like you are touching the roof and glide and kick.Next we had to float on our back. We had to float to the other side of the pool and comeback to where we started.

After that we had to do a skill called tummy up,chin in. We had to use the noodle again and we had to float on back,but we had to put our chin in we had to put our tummy up and then float.
Then we had to float on our back using a noodle. We had to wrap the noodle around our back and use the our hands to hold the noodle and we had to float to the other side.

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