Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Commenting/ Carson's blog post

For commenting I decided to comment Carson's blogpost about the legend of Rahi and Te ara (reading). The dialogic question I asked was: Have you played the game Kia o Rahi?
I asked this question because the game is based of the book. The one thing I liked about the blog post is the way he summarised it.

Basic facts boxes

For basic facts I took the speed demon challenge with multiplication. My time was 4 minutes and 55 seconds. I  got no mistakes but I needed to be more faster.

LI: To get faster at your basic facts

SSR Selfie

For SSR Selfie I summarised the book called shocking electricity. The main topic is about electricity.
I found this book really enjoyable to read because, I learnt different facts and how important electricity is to the world. I also didn't know that a light bulb uses 6.28 billion electrons every second.

L.I-  To summarise or retell a text.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020


A simile is a comparison of two thing using 'like', or and ''. A simile is part of figurative language.

The like simile is used with a verb. Examples using like:

The elephant toothpaste exploded like a volcano.
Oscar swims like a dolphin.
The couple danced like fire.

The is used with an adjective. Examples using

The man's muscles are as big as an elephant.
The man is as smart as Albert Einstein.
Kahu is as small as a mouse.

Similes help people compare two things in a more detailed way.

L.I- To learn what is simile.

Reading/ Story web/Legend of Rahi

For reading we had learnt about summarising.

What is a summarising? 

Summarising is where you talk about the main points/main idea of the text

I learnt how to summarise a text by doing story web by talking about the main ideas of the story.

In the events I used my visualising piece of paper from 2 weeks ago to help me remember each event that happened in the book.

I used my character inference to use adjectives and evidence to help summarise different parts. using good adjectives unlocks meaningful information, and I can summarise quicker.

Then I used some of my prior knowledge where I remembered the names like Te ara, Rahi and 
Tama-nui-te-rā from a game I've played called, Kia o Rahi. I found out this story is how the game was created . Then I use this information for my ending.#